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Skimming Technique Measuring The Increase in Students Reading Ability

fakultas :
Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan
pengarang :
Lily Wahdini , Siti Rodiyah, Cut Eva Maisuri
tanggal :
Juni 2020
seri :
Volume 8 No 02, Juni 2020
issn :

The purpose of this study is to find out whether skimming technique can improve students' reading skills. The study was conducted at Universitas Tama Jagakarsa. The subjects were eleventh grade students of Universitas Tama Jagakarsa. The total number of subjects is 35 students. To get the research material, the researcher used a pre-test to find out the reading ability of the students. The average score of the pre-test is 3.9 . After the researcher receives the information, he examines the analysis and then decides to treat the student. The treatment was carried out in two periods. Each cycle includes two matches. A post-test was administered at each meeting. The research results show that skimming technique is a suitable technique to deal with English class, especially reading in of Universitas Tama Jagakarsa. This can be seen in the post-test results of each cycle. In the post-test, the students' highest scores are on average 5.03, 5.63, 6.3 and 7.00. This shows that students' grades increase after treatment.

kata kunci :
reading, reading ability, skimming

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