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Friendship helps The Role of the Community as a Platform for Increasing Students Speaking Skills

fakultas :
Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan
pengarang :
Erma Damayanti , Ditta Mustika Rakhmawati
tanggal :
Juni 2022
seri :
Volume 10 No 02 Juni 2022
issn :

The main objectives of this research are to assess the proficiency of seventh-grade junior high university students in spoken English. To achieve this, the researcher employed the Learning Community method as the research methodology. The study was conducted at Universitas Tama Jagakarsa, involving a total population of 130 students from various classes. The findings of the research revealed that students made several errors in vocabulary usage, grammar, and other aspects of spoken English. In light of these findings, the writer proposes several suggestions to enhance students' speaking skills. Firstly, facilitators should pay close attention to the specific errors that students commonly make, in order to facilitate their improvement in spoken English. Secondly, facilitators should provide clear explanations of the errors and offer ample exercises to ensure students grasp the concepts effectively. Lastly, it is recommended that further research be conducted by other resources to address the specific weaknesses observed in students' fluency in spoken English. By implementing these suggestions, it is anticipated that students will make significant progress in their spoken English abilities.

kata kunci :
Role of community, vocabulary, grammatical error, fluency

alamat : Jln. Letjen T.B. Simatupang No.152 Tanjung Barat Jagakarsa - Jakarta Selatan 12530 telp : (021) 7890 634, 789 0965, 788 31838 fax: (021) 789 0966

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