Utama e-jurnal

Crossword Puzzle as a Media for Increasing Vocabulary Mastery

fakultas :
Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan
pengarang :
Ditta Mustika Rakhmawati , Nadya Olivia
tanggal :
Juni 2020
seri :
Volume 8 No 02, Juni 2020
issn :

The purpose of this study was to find out whether the interactive method by applying crossword puzzles can improve the vocabulary mastery of the first year students at Universitas Tama Jagakarsa. To find out whether the interactive method by applying crossword puzzles can increase students' vocabulary, the researchers gave students a pre-test before treatment and a post-test after treatment. The results showed that the calculation of the t-test from the results of the pre-test and post-test in the first cycle was 5.97 and 6.33 in the second cycle. Both are greater than ttable with n = 26 which is 2.06. This means that the use of crossword puzzles can improve students' vocabulary mastery. The teaching learning process by using crossword puzzle gives the positive effect in improving the student’s vocabulary and the student’s motivation in learning vocabulary. This is shown by the students’ enthusiasm in doing crossword puzzle and most of the students more understand what the teacher said in cycle II than in cycle I.

kata kunci :
crossword, learning media, vocabulary mastery, teaching method

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