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The Total Physical Response Learning Model as an Effort to Increase the Performance of Learning Speaking Skills

fakultas :
Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan
pengarang :
Artipah , Erma Damayanti
tanggal :
Juni 2020
seri :
Volume 8 No 02, Juni 2020
issn :

In this research, researchers developed a Total Physical Response model that focuses on teaching speaking in a fun way. This study uses qualitative methods, where the main focus of research is the use of the Total Physical Response model which is used to facilitate students in strengthening their vocabulary and helping them to improve their speaking ability. Most students really need these activities to practice the target language in their learning activities. English education is a mandatory component in the education unit curriculum for the secondary school level. Educational policies and curricula provide a range of contexts and expectations that can encourage student learning for a better future. The difficulty of good learning performance in speaking English is usually caused by a limited vocabulary. At the end, it can be concluded that students' English skills can be improved by the TPR (Total Physical Response) method, so that students can be active in learning English. Teachers can also more easily teach English to all students.

kata kunci :
Education, Vocabulary, Speaking, Total Physical Response

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