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The Brainstorming as a Method to Improve Junior High School Students Writing Skills

fakultas :
Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan
pengarang :
Edyson Baroes , Aleksandria Bangun
tanggal :
Juni 2020
seri :
Volume 8 No 02, Juni 2020
issn :

This research is a descriptive statistics research that aims to describe and explain the results of observations or experiments performed in the research, descriptive techniques used were selected based on the purpose of the statistics obtained. The research shows how the brainstorming method can be used to improve junior high school students' writing skills. Therefore, this research directly aims to determine students' abilities in mastering English vocabulary and students' mistakes in using English vocabulary in class VII of junior high school. The method used in this research is a description brainstorming. This research was conducted at SMP Purnama. In this research it was found that by using the brainstorming method the results of students' writing abilities are greater. Analysis has been carried out and obtained statistical evidence that a larger tcount of ttable (3.52 > 2.0399) which causes Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. It can be concluded that there are significant between students who use speech and communicative approach that does not use the communicative approach in eighth grade SMP Purnama.

kata kunci :
Brainstorming, Vocabulary, English writing, and English Product

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