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The Darts Reading Method as an Influence of Students Reading Skills

fakultas :
Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan
pengarang :
Aleksandria Bangun , Antonia Tamo Ina
tanggal :
Juni 2022
seri :
Volume 10 No 02, Juni 2022
issn :

The primary objective of this research is to investigate the perceptions of students towards English learning and the strategies employed by teachers to foster communicative grammar instruction in the classroom. The research aims to address the existing problem where students often fail to recognize the significance of grammar and tend to rely solely on teacher-provided explanations and exercises. Many teachers predominantly focus on delivering content without actively encouraging and guiding students to develop effective learning strategies for grammar. This conventional approach to teaching grammar often leads to student boredom and reluctance in learning English, specifically grammar, as the methods employed are tedious and emphasize rote memorization rather than understanding. Consequently, students fail to realize that there are various strategies available for learning grammar, which can make the learning process enjoyable and enable them to attain the desired competencies. Many students encounter difficulties in learning grammar due to their limited awareness of its importance and their reliance on teacher-directed instruction. As a result, students do not fully grasp the fact that there are abundant sources of information and knowledge, along with diverse strategies for learning grammar, which they can choose from and engage with to enhance their learning experience. It is evident that English facilitators continue to employ traditional teaching methods, where grammar instruction predominantly involves memorization rather than comprehension. As a consequence, the implementation of the learning process falls short of achieving its intended goals. The reliance on unidirectional communication and a teacher-centered learning environment hinder the realization of optimal learning outcomes.

kata kunci :
Strategies, English Grammar, Learning, Communicative

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