Utama e-jurnal

Pictures as A Medium for Teaching Speaking Skills

fakultas :
Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan
pengarang :
Erma Damayanti Ditta Mustika Rakhmawati, Gilang Fathur Ramadhan
tanggal :
Juni 2021
seri :
Volume 9, No. 02, Juni 2021
issn :

The purpose of this research was to explore the effectiveness of incorporating media images into teaching methods to improve and develop students' speaking skills. The motivation behind this research stemmed from the ongoing struggle to address the issue of underdeveloped speaking skills among students and the need for innovative and effective approaches for educators to enhance their teaching outcomes. The research was carried out using a quantitative experimental design, with the objective of determining whether interactive learning methods utilizing media images could have a significant positive impact on program participants' speaking abilities. The research's findings indicate that while the improvement and development of speaking skills through media images may be gradual, it is a worthwhile approach to enhance student communication abilities. In conclusion, the use of media images in the process of teaching speaking skills can yield beneficial results for students. It provides a dynamic and engaging approach to enhance language proficiency, which can significantly impact students' communication abilities in the long run. Therefore, educators should consider incorporating media images into their teaching methodology to maximize their students' speaking potential.

kata kunci :
Speaking Skills, TEFL, Pictures as medium, English Skills, Students

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