Utama e-jurnal

SQ3R Method A Method to Improve Reading Comprehension

fakultas :
Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan
pengarang :
Lily Wahdini , Siti Rodiyah, Erma Damayanti
tanggal :
Oktober 2020
seri :
Volume 8, No. 03, Oktober 2020
issn :

This research aims to describe the effect of applying the SQ3R method to students' reading skills. The population in this research were students of Universitas Tama Jagakarsa. The samples used were English Education Department Class obtained by simple random sampling technique. By using the experimental method, Quasi Experimental Design with Non-equivalent Control Group Design, this research also uses the technique used is measurement using a reading test in the form of multiple choice questions totalling 30 items. The data analysis technique used in this research is 2-way anova. this research produced the following data: The average value before being given treatment was 20.476 in the sufficient category; (2) the average percentage of the SQ3R method is 22,097 in the good category; (3) the average percentage of the PQ3R method is 22.045 in the good category.

kata kunci :
SQ3R method, PQ3R method, reading ability, students

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