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Meningkatkan Loyalitas Dokter Spesialis Melalui Perbaikan Pelayanan Dan Kualitas Sumberdaya Manusia

fakultas :
pengarang :
H. M. Noor Sembiring
tanggal :
Maret 2011
seri :
Majalah Ilmiah Widya Tahun 28 No. 306 Maret 2011, hal. 25- 31
issn :

As the matter of fact there is a decline in specialists’loyalty, such as referring patients to have surgery or outpatient care at another hospital. The purpose of this study was :

  1. To determine the service officer serving in the installation Specialist Surgery of the Government Central Hospital.
  2. To determine the physical infrastucture in the installation Central Surgical of the Government General. Hospital.
  3. To know the processof service on fixed Specialist infrastructure and service process to the loyalty of Physician Specialist in the installation Surgical Central Government. General Hospital.
The method used is descriptive method and survey explanatory. The survy was conducted at the government General Hospital General. The result show :
  1. The services officers, physical infrastructure, and service process affect the loyalty of SpecialistDoctors.
  2. Viewed partially, the fact that the physucal equipments is dominantly influenced the physician’ loyalty than the workers’ service and the process.

kata kunci :
Loyalitas , Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia

alamat : Jln. Letjen T.B. Simatupang No.152 Tanjung Barat Jagakarsa - Jakarta Selatan 12530 telp : (021) 7890 634, 789 0965, 788 31838 fax: (021) 789 0966

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