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Pengaruh Kinerja Petugas Pelayanan, Proses, Dan Prasarana Fisik Terhadap Nilai Jasa Serta Implikasinya Pada Kepercayaan Pengguna Bisnis Jalan Tol (Studi Kasus Pada Pelayanan Jalan Tol di Jawa Barat dan DKI Jakarta)

fakultas :
pengarang :
H. M. Noor Sembiring
tanggal :
Oktober - November 2
seri :
JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN AKUNTANSI, Vol. 13, Nomor 2, Oktober - November 2009, hal. 53 - 65
issn :
0853 - 9286

Still many of consumer specially consumer of business becoming target management ofturnpike found of PP No. 15 year 2005. CHAPTER of II section 2 sentence (2) sounding "Management  of turnpike aim to improve efficiency service activities of distribution to support growth of business and economics". This resesrch aim to :

  1. To knowing perfomance officer of service which on Turnpike in DKI and West Java.
  2. Knowing th econdition of turnpike physical prasarana in DKI and West Java.
  3. Knowing process service of turnpike in DKI and West Java.
  4. Knowing influence of perfomance officer of service, process service, and physical prasarana to turnpike service value in DKI and West Java.
  5. Knowing influence of perfomance officer of service, process service, and physical prasaran to trust of usage of turnpike business in DKI and West Java.
  6. Knowing influence assess service to  trust of usage of turnpike business in DKI and West Java used.
Method Research descriptive survey and eksplanatori survey, with unit analyse consumer of turpke business, taken measure 249 from 629 populatio measure. Approach of quantitative analysis test hypothesis pass SEM., while approach qualitative to descriptive by using frequency distribution pass graph tof pie chart. Research finding include; cover.
  1. Perfomance officer of service, physical prasarana, and service process by together have an effect on to service value, but by parsialin the reality more dominant physical prasarana influence service value from officer of service process and service.
  2. Perfomance officer of srvice, physical prasarana, and service process by together have an effect on to trust of consumer of trunpike, but by parsial in the reality more dominant physical prasarana influence trust of consumer of trunpike from officer of service process and sevice.
  3. The big Value turnpike service influence of to trust of consumer of turnpike, having meaning that withobtained benefit bigger than expense can improve trust of consumer of business.
Passed to suggestion this research
  1. High Attention to situation of turnpike physical prasarana must be done by organizer of turnpike.
  2. Process which quickly and accurate in handling of turnpike for the shake of fluency usage of turnpik.
  3. Improvement of quality of qualiy of service of highway

kata kunci :
Employees Perfomance, People, Physical Infrastructure, Value of the Service, and Confidence of the U

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