Utama e-jurnal

Aspek Hukum Hak Cipta Pada Desain Website

fakultas :
pengarang :
Erna Amalia
tanggal :
April 2017
seri :
Vol. XII, Nomor 2, April 2017
issn :

Website rights protection has been regulated in Article 25 of Law Number 11/2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transaction, in which the article reffering to the regulation of Intellectual Property Right Law. Artworks on the website is connected with copyright, which protect expression that is original. Components of intellectual creation on website’s design has been protected by Copyright Law, such as computer programs, typolographical arrangement and database. Copyright’s infringement often occurred on website’s design. Impersonation on website considered to be infringement if it violates creator’s or rights owner’s moral rights and economy rights. This article will discussed on how Copyright Law protect the website’s design, and what legal aspects if any infringement of copyright on a website? It is an analysis perspective that utilize normative juridical writing methods, based on study of documents, regulations and other legal materials.

kata kunci :
Copyrights, Website Design, Law

alamat : Jln. Letjen T.B. Simatupang No.152 Tanjung Barat Jagakarsa - Jakarta Selatan 12530 telp : (021) 7890 634, 789 0965, 788 31838 fax: (021) 789 0966

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