Purpose oh this research is a collect data and information about marketing mix non convensional hotel services with customer satisfaction, espesialy customer who leave at 4 & 5 Star Hotel in DKI Jakarta. The objective of research are : To know about marketing mix non convensional implementation include human resource implementation, physical evidence implementation, and service process implementation. Analysis influence marketing mix non convensional include human resource, physical evidence, and service process toward customer satisfaction at 4 & 5 Star Hotel in DKI Jakarta.
To study component of marketing tools dominant influence among human resource, physical evidence and service process toward customer satisfaction at 4 & 5 Star Hotel in DKI Jakarta. The result are employee courtesy and employee reliablity no too good, but physical evidence and service process have enough as a customer suggestion. Marketing mix non convensional have significan influence toward customer satisfaction at 4 & 5 Star Hotel, it’s meant more appropriate implementing marketing mix non convensional, so customer satisfaction at 4 & 5 Star Hotel to be rise. People or human resource have more dominant influence toward customer satisfaction than physical evidence and services process
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