Utama e-jurnal

Analisa Strategi SDM Dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Organisasi

fakultas :
pengarang :
Budi Akhmad Tarigan
tanggal :
Juni 2019
seri :
Edisi Khusus Vol I
issn :

The strategy of Human Resources in the improvement of organizational performance needs to be designed in accordance with the development of the organization. Human resources competencies in Quality Assurance work units (LPM) University Tama Jagakarsa is already sufficient to run the Organization, with a performance in collaboration with the other units in the structure of the Organization, establish communication, motivation fore-sighted, positive thinking to achieve the vision and mission.
Add science and insights into important key in achieving the success of the expected performance, and has a good personality so as to create a culture of good organization in LPM in achieving organizational performance.

kata kunci :
Human Resources, motivation, communication and organizational performance

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