Utama e-jurnal

Amendment Urgency Of Article 7 State Law Of The Republic Of Republic Of Indonesia Of 1945: Towards 3 Term Presidential Rule

fakultas :
pengarang :
tanggal :
Agustus 2020
seri :
Edisi Khusus, Nomor 1, Agustus, 2020
issn :

Based on article 7 UUD RI 1945 the result of the first change reads: The President and Vice President hold office for 5 (five years) and afterwards can be re-elected in the same office for only 1 (one) term of office, this article was one of the major changes in the Indonesian Constitutional Reform that could only be made after President Suharto resigned from his term of office.
Discourse to increase the President's term of office from 2 (two) times to 3 (three) times (a period of strengthening after a proposal from the Deputy Chair Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR) from the United Development Party (P3)proposed to be 3 (three) times a period (3x5 years) this will provide an opportunity for President Jokowi to be elected for the 3rd (third) time.
Therefore Article 7 UUD RI Tahun 1945 there must be an Amendment that proposes that the term of office of the President is only 1 (one) period but for 8 (eight) years (1x8 years).

kata kunci :
Amandement, Article, UUD RI 1945

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